Photo by Miguel Henriques on Unsplash.


  • Ben van Werkhoven, on behalf of the Council

The International Council of RSE Associations is happy to endorse RSE conferences and similar events. The Council will list and promote endorsed events on its website and other communication channels, and encourage its members to promote these events to their membership. In turn, the event organizers are expected to mention the endorsement on their websites and communication.

The following are required for endorsement by the Council:

  • The event should be clearly RSE branded, e.g. through organisation by a national RSE association, or a clear thematic focus.
  • The event should be open to all. Reasonable fees can be charged for participation.
  • The event should be publicly advertised online and a link provided for inclusion on the Council website, and ideally published via public calendar for inclusion in the Council programme of events.
  • The event should have a Code of Conduct. Event organizers are welcome to adopt the Council’s Code of Conduct if they don’t have their own.

If you would like the International Council of RSE Associations to endorse your event, please contact the council.

We would appreciate it if talks were recorded and made publicly available after the event. Ideally, all video recordings should have captioning and subtitles translated to English (automated translation). We are happy to include links to the recordings on the Council’s website.