This is the website of the international research software engineering community.

Research Software Engineers are people who combine professional software expertise with an understanding of research. They go by various job titles but the term Research Software Engineer (RSE) is fast gaining international recognition.

On 10th October 2024 we'are celebrating the International RSE Day!
Read more ...

International RSE Day is the second Thursday of October each year.
The next International RSE Day 2025 will be 9th October 2025!

National/Multinational RSE Associations

BE-RSE - Belgium Research Software Engineers community
DE-RSE - Society for Research Software in Germany
NL-RSE - The community of Research Software Engineers in the Netherlands
NORDIC-RSE - Nordic Research Software Engineers Community
RSE-AUNZ - The RSE Association of Australia and New Zealand
SocRSE - Society of Research Software Engineering - UK
US-RSE - The US Research Software Engineer Association
Danish RSE - Danish Research Software Engineers Community
DEVLOG - French Research Software Engineers

Observing/Developing RSE Associations

See the Associations page

About this site

In January 2018, leaders of national RSE associations, groups and related initiatives from around the world came together in London for the first International RSE Leaders Workshop. This website and some initial blog posts (see blog) were created by breakout groups at this meeting.

The International Network of RSE Associations was established as a loose grouping of the people leading national associations, but in January 2021 the International Council of RSE Associations was created as a forum to communicate and formally meet to ensure cohesion between associations and to provide a platform for open discussion around international issues and affairs. For more information, please see the Council page.